A smooth integration into Israeli society is crucial to the success of Olim.
This multidimensional approach offers a unique path for new immigrants and their families by offering a guiding hand, support and hope for a brighter future.
A Profession for Life offers a holistic approach to integration and a solid foundation for success. The program assists participants to fast track their professional licenses and/or gain new qualifications that help increase their employability through specialised courses.

What we offer
Participants and their families also enjoy Hebrew language lessons, resume and job seeking assistance, housing and social programming. This program offers several tracks that help new immigrants specialise in various fields that improve their opportunity for employability in Israel, some of which include:
Doctors’ Relicensing Program
This track is intended for qualified physicians seeking to pass the Israeli medical licensing examination. The program includes five months of Ulpan, an additional 4.5 months of Hebrew classes focusing on medical terms and a five-month course to prepare them for the exam.
Electrical Wiring Training
A 13-month course that teaches 15 participants per year about electronics, how to prepare ‘protected rooms’ in case of chemical attacks and other skills. Graduates receive certification from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
Nurses’ Licensing Program
This track targets new immigrants that are qualified nurses from the Former Soviet Union. The program includes a 14-month intensive course focusing on Hebrew medical terminology that helps them to qualify to practice in Israel.
Tel Ran Training in Software Engineering
A five-month ulpan combined with eight months of professional training. Graduates receive certification from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
Chefs and Culinary Training Course
The Chef College offers an intensive six-month program where participants learn culinary skills while getting hands-on experience in techniques that use the latest technology in the field of cooking and pastry making.
Annually, more than 450 new immigrants participate in these tracks and others including carpentry, mechanics, computer numerical training, plastics, electronics, electricians’ course, fitness instructors’ course, gym instructors’ course, science teachers’ course and public transportation drivers’ course.
This is run in partnership with The Jewish Agency for Israel.
Professional tracks for 450 annual participants
Support for the whole family
of olim secure employment
Hebrew, job assistance, housing and networking offered